an Indigenous learning series
featuring Canadian authors and thought leaders.
In response to the Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools’ goal of Truth & Reconciliation and Canada’s TRC Call to Action #57, we have curated a speaker series covering a range of topics including true histories, pedagogies, self-determination, land resurgence, and stories to spark ideas for further exploration and deeper learning on your own, with your family and/or your work colleagues.
This is a FREE learning series proudly presented by the Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools, in collaboration with UBC Press and Vancouver Island Regional Library as part of TRC Call to Action #57. The series is recorded and available for ongoing educational purposes and deeper learning.
Together, we are seeking to promote a deeper conversation towards rebuilding our relationships with Indigenous peoples and the Land for a stronger Canada.
UBC Press offers books from all seasons at a 20% discount (code TRC57) through this website. Visit the individual speaker pages for details.